Mobile Number Portability will be implemented from December 31 in metros and category 'A' service areas, and by March 20, 2010, in rest of the country, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India said on Wednesday.
Following the Supreme Court ruling against liquor being sold within 500 metres of state and national highways, the infamous Indian jugaad is in play once again. Veenu Sandhu, Nikita Puri, Ranjita Ganesan & Avishek Rakshit find out how India is coping.
The DBS venture has been under financial stress of late.
Two former CECs -- B B Tandon and T S Krishnamurthy -- were mandated to investigate the BSNL decision in the face of protest registered by Nokia-Siemens Network. The panel appointed by BSNL was duly approved by the chief vigilance commissioner. The complaint was referred to the panel after NSN, which was disqualified on technical grounds, alleged that the state-run telecom majors recent 93-million GSM lines tender was conducted in a non-transparent manner.
Has already invested $13 bn and needs another $9 bn to expand business, even as cash demands rise at home
Kay Kay Menon gets candid about the film industry.